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Old 12 Jan 2022, 04:56 AM   #9
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Holon, Israel.
Posts: 4,837
Why do I pay for email when I can get it quite reasonable service gratis from Gmail?

Well, why do I buy coffee and tea when my employer supplies unlimited tea and coffee and I spend most of my day there? Well, I like the tea that I bring from home better than what I am supplied there.

The real reason that I pay for email is just that I like the service that I get from Fastmail better than what I can see at Gmail. There's really no other reason. If I had no choice I could certainly manage with just a Gmail account or just a Hotmail account. My wife uses her Hotmail account that she has for almost 25 years despite me paying for her Fastmail account (that she uses for some rare circumstances that don't work well with Hotmail).
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