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Old 13 Jun 2015, 06:39 AM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Virginia, USA
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Originally Posted by David View Post
Welcome to the forums Alsark. For the folk who do this (at work) it is obvious that they are just not paying attention. You might want to address them by their Surnames, which may possibly cause them to think...
lol I like this.

Yeah don't ignore it, and don't let people call you whatever you want. You have to correct them but also try not to let it get to you. People have good intentions and don't mean to do that. Either explain it how it happened, and start using the name you want all the time (if you want them to use the first part of your name, i.e. David) or just tell them "Oh sorry but my name is David Mitchell. Both names please." Something like that.

I think, especially in the office, professionally, that as we are exposed to all sorts of names, hyphenated, foreign, names spelled differently, that we must pay attention to everyone's names - how they are spelled and how they are pronounced. I think a lot of people want to do this (and some people just don't care - even my parents say our daughter's name wrong almost all the time, but they do get it right sometimes. What's up with that!?)

SO in order to train people, you have to be specific, explanatory, and consistent. Explain when talking to people (with detail if needed) why your name is what it is (a story will make it stick). In emails be consistent. Don't do David sometimes, David Mitchell others. That's just confusing. When you do sign your last name, if you use David Mitchell as your first name, always use David Mitchell Smith, rather than DM Smith or something....
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