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Old 16 May 2020, 08:32 AM   #6
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Holon, Israel.
Posts: 4,856
You are not the only one affected by this.
And calling this "some interruption to your workflow" is an understatement.

I use addresses created at different subdomains of my own domains on the fly. I have filtering rules relying on this way of using my domains for email. Just a few months ago I spent several days replacing all the addresses I had registered with different services for the past 18 years or so with addresses at different subdomains of my domain.this relied on being able to use all my subdomains and not just a few of them.

A main reason I use Fastmail is that usually they do not limit the users on usage of it is ours: they claim our data is ours. Well, my domains, including all subdomains and all email addresses in all subdomains are my data, and I use this data to control my communications with others.
This unannounced change puts a limit on the number of subdomains I can use. Technically it limits me to 500 subdomains in all my domains, (for sending, including replying) since this is the limit on the number of identities. Practically it's impossible to work with a drop-down list of hundreds of identities, and it's not practical to make a new identity or edit an identity each time I need to reply a mail from a subdomain I rarely use (and the identities screen doesn't allow creating a new identity based on an existing one. You have to create every identity form scratch).

This is a major change. It changes FastMail's policy from enabling users from using all the address space in their domains to using only a small fragment of this address space. It deviates from their general announced policy that what's ours is ours (or perhaps this applies only to the content of our messages and not to our means of identifying ourselves using our own address space). And it was implemented without any announcement. I wouldn't have known about this it it wasn't for this thread, until the time I would try to reply an email and find out I cannot do this the way it's supposed to be done. And adapting to this change is not a small thing: it means I have to rethink the way I use my subdomains to limit myself to only very few of them, and redo all my filtering (several hundred lines of Sieve code). I don't currently have the time to do this, nor do i think i have to limit myself to using only a few subdomains. i know many people get along with just one email address, but it doesn't mean I have to.
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