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Old 19 Feb 2018, 06:42 AM   #103
Cornerstone of the Community
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: San Antonio, Texas USA
Posts: 557
I will do my best, but I am a shut-in with a serious auto-immune disease that leaves me quite unfunctional My energy levels are unpredictable.

I was told by someone with the knowledge of the inner workings of FastMail that folders with specific addresses could be "matched;" i.e., folders with specific addresses would receive emails into their corresponding folders. I know this to be true because it has worked that way before. This prorblem has surfaced only within the last two or three years.

Yes. I use two aliases.

Here are the folders I use:


Just so you know, I am happy to keep using FastMail even with these issues. I have spent quite a bit of time trying to solve this problem, and I don't want to go through another marathon with these health issues. That said, I don't wish to create a sucking vortex of time in your life, either! I am 71 and not tech savvy, as you have no doubt discerned. I suspect a lot of the problem is my fault as I do not always remember to change the address when I am writing to business interestes or companies from which I receive newsletters. Therefore, the email could be going out from the commercial alias with the newsletter alias on it. I have greatly improved in this area, but I'm sure there are the odd times I forget.
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