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Old 17 Mar 2018, 07:38 AM   #3
Master of the @
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If you are asking the question, paid email may not be for you. Frankly, I think most people are better off with a free email account for personal use, but I would stick to a mainstream, large, and reliable provider. My recommendations are Gmail and The main reason for most people to choose a paid provider is they want to have email at their own domain, or domains. A few people are worried about emails being scanned for advertising purposes and they are willing to pay to avoid that, though you can opt-out of most scanning if you want to. For some reason, some people don't trust companies like Google and Microsoft, yet mysteriously they trust some tiny company with a handful of employees. In my experience working with some tech companies behind the scenes you don't want to know the levels of access possible at small firms, with almost no oversight, if any. I have no doubt that at many of the smaller providers there are people there who could access your email, password, everything and nobody would know. However, that's not saying that there aren't trustworthy small companies to do business with, but you just don't know. With a Google or Microsoft there are billions of people every day, and millions of businesses, using the systems, testing them, reporting on them, etc. The chances are much greater that problems will be revealed and fixed, and if there are issues the chances of them biting you personally are very small because of the haystack effect.
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