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Old 26 Aug 2017, 11:57 PM   #26
Master of the @
Join Date: Feb 2017
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Interesting. I have not had that problem with a Linux laptop when traveling, but have had lots of other problems--mainly due to lack of or poor quality Wifi in hotels, airports, etc. A few years ago I would have answered differently, but today I find the smartphone the most essential travel tool. It can connect almost anywhere using either Wifi or cellular data, is more secure in many ways than using your laptop on coffee shop Wifi, and is infinitely more convenient. Of course, when you need to get work done out comes the laptop. My smartphone camera has completely replaced all sorts of gear I used to carry. Yes, having a fixed wide-angle focal length can be limiting at times, but I think back to photography articles and classes when we experimented with SLRs doing the one-lens thing to really learn how to maximize what you can get. It is actually quite refreshing to not carry tons of gear, film, etc., and to not have to worry about it all when checking baggage or leaving the hotel room. The smartphone has improved travel tremendously, even for email. I remember the days of returning from vacation to face 600 emails in the Inbox, but now I take care of most of them in odd moments even when on the road. Some find it stressful to check work email when on a break or traveling, but I personally find it more relaxing than the dread of facing that stuffed Inbox upon my return. Also, I can't count the number of times I have solved a problem quickly and easily while on the road that could have become a nightmare if put off until back at home or work. Here in the USA many of us have found that employers now expect employees to be available 24/7, and it can be a real career deflater if you are not.
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