Thread: Email for Life?
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Old 2 Aug 2017, 05:32 AM   #7
Master of the @
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So I'm not sure if domains (and email) as we know them will be around in a few decades.
I'm not in the crystal ball business, but my guess would be that email and domains may last a lot longer than other technology you have listed. The reason being is that billions of people utilize these things as part of their identities all over the world making them more like names, street addresses, or the names of cities. Yes, protocols for identifiers do change over the centuries, but not so swiftly because they become built into the fabric of so many things. It might be more practical for each one of us to go by a number or possibly a unique coded chip embedded in us at birth, but we still find very useful the old and clunky family names such as John Smith. Very low tech but hard to abandon.

One odd thing with regard to the "email for life" is that there are some free services, like Tutonata, iCloud, and I think Migadu that offer free email and claim your address never expires, making those addresses more likely to last beyond the grave.
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