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Old 26 Aug 2013, 05:28 AM   #9
The "e" in e-mail
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Thanks for all the comments! We very much appreciate your interest and feedback, which helps guide our development of Runbox.

Allow me to complement Dave's replies with some more details.

filbert: We have a comprehensive search function that you can activate by going to:

And as Dave mentioned, you can go directly to Reply mode by clicking a sender address in the message list. I've noted your points about message columns and vertical space on Compose -- we'll keep this in mind when we upgrade the Compose screen (currently it's table based and too rigid to allow folding of elements).

While it would be complicated to *replace* RMM with e.g. RoundCube, we are currently looking into setting it up as an alternative Webmail interface. Because Runbox is a database accelerated system (message metadata is kept in a database and message contents as files) an alternative Webmail interface would have to be installed as an IMAP client, which might be less efficient than RMM because it can access the database directly. We are however planning to replace our IMAP server with a more efficient one too so it might turn out to be a good combination.

Our goal is if course to provide one fully integrated and modern interface since RMM provides so many features besides the Webmail, and we're working on this slowly but steadily.

gecko: Thank you for the kind words -- we are planning to implement improved logging and authentication features as you suggest.

B4its2L8: Thanks for all the suggestions -- we'll keep them in mind as we continue improving the interface. You shouldn't need to click twice to view a message in a legible font size though -- RMM should remember your font size setting in between sessions, and the "Show HTML version" in Preferences should cause the HTML message to be shown with its original font size.

David: If you're using the Enhanced version of Runbox 6, the browser buttons won't work as expected because part of the application is now running locally in your browser as Javascript. This is a common issue with web services utilizing Javascript for a faster and smoother experience. You can switch to the Basic version to avoid this, but then some functions such as drag-and-drop of messages won't work and you will need to use the regular Move buttons instead.

- Geir
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