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Old 3 Dec 2019, 02:31 AM   #71
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Holon, Israel.
Posts: 4,837
One little thing I would like is that in the contacts, in addition to "personal", "work" and "other", there would be "old" (or "obsolete"). Same would be nice in other fields, such as phone, but not as essential as for email addresses.
I do not erase old email addresses from contacts, because when viewing old messages those addresses are associated with the contact they belong to/ on the other hand, when composing they appear as suggested addresses when the contact's name is typed. So what I would like is that addresses designated as "old" (or "obsolete") would be excluded when composing email, but would still identify the right person when viewing archived mail.

BTW, is there a way to search for all mail related to a contact? I don't see anything like this in the advanced search screen. I think this can be quite useful: an option to search for email that contains, either in the headers or in the text, any of the email addresses or phone numbers included in a contact entry.

I usually search for email by the sender of the current viewed message, by clicking the search field that already has the sender's address displayed as an option. Today I searched this way for my brother's email, and got very little email: only the ones with his current work address. People in hi-tech tend to change email addresses as often as other people change socks...
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