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Old 3 Oct 2016, 06:32 AM   #21
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: in between the bright lights and the far unlit unknown
Posts: 2,341
I still rely very heavily on email, not only profesionally but also to communicate with friends and family I still use it as my number 1 communication method. I still SMS very frequently too, another communication method which apparently is considered borderline old-fashioned.

I at the moment do not use Facebook nor Twitter, despite being in the artistic field where some go as far as stating you cannot promote your artistic creations without using social media. I have to add my anxiety disorder (the fear how far surveillance goes when using social media) contributes to my non-usage of social media at the moment ; if I'd have peace of mind that their impact is limited then I'd probably use them for advertising performances and new artistic creations ... but for such reasons only. For communication with friends, email still is king. I see social media as a handy thing for messages you want to share with the world, such as announcing when and where you're performing. But for anything not addressed to the entire world, email is still my number 1 method. And it still is for some of my best friends too, I'm not the only one who prefers email above social media

Also, when it comes to social media, Twitter to me appeals more than FB, I see Twitter like a billboard where you can announce your artistic performances and releases ; a bit of a more modern version of the newsletters websites used to have.
But for anything more private, I don't see the added value compared to email. A PM on Facebook or an email comes down to pretty much the same thing, and I know which party I trust more for such communications ...
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