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Old 8 Feb 2014, 07:04 PM   #1
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2,626
Struggle with email since some mishap must have happen

The od thing is that all three computers had problems with email.

My naive thoughts come to think about some criminal overtake
but I know too little to really find the logic about such to happen.

The more realistic scenario is that something did happen
when They disconnected the cables to to the NetTops.
Totally accidently they could have activated the Hard Disk

That was what did happen to me too so either they or me
or both activated a OS named Australis_MateOS and that one
waited for to how to get it all started.

Unfortunately that program absolutely dominated my computer
and misled me to trust that a virus had taken over but recently
I have learned that that is how it looks when one boot from a
Flash-memory and that stick boot up with it's OS so nothing wrong.

What a relief I felt. If it is like they told me then it was normal.

So now I need to connect that computer without a mem stick connected
and delete the Australis_MateOS so it does not bother anymore.

Sorry such a long text but I have still not got the computer
handle my emails right but not much more to do fortunately.

I make use of Fastmail as my main email provider. Works good.
Then Yahoo but I do want to change it for something else
but have not decided on what to use instead.

Gmail is a good choice so maybe I decide on google+

Maybe Vivaldi the former MyOpera devs who have set it up.
Or why not that one is reliable in that they have
been with us since email started? Okay some up and downs
but it works for most peoples.

Wow I sure am talkative. I don't expect anybody to forgive me
but I needed to went all the frustration struggling for weeks
daily and having almost total failure each day and very slow progress.
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