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Old 6 Feb 2016, 12:08 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by mekitron View Post
Actually, I host my family site with FM. Recently, I started thinking to host my personal (static) blog with FM so I am curious if Jekyll (or any other static website generator's) generated files would work or not. I have done it, and it seems not working. Probably because Jekyll needs ryby gems on server to run static files.

Correct me if I am wrong?

If I export my blog to Grav (a flat file CMS) it might still not work because Grav needs PHP to run flat files/folders. I think, I have to come up something with HTML, CSS and JS only. No doubt, these technologies are extremely functional to have a "good" personal website/static-blog but what else I can run? Any options?
So your OP mentioned "I know, FM doesn't support server side scripting," etc., and you were going to post a "static" site, which means there's no Ruby, no PHP, no Perl, no database server needed, no server-side scripts, nothing that runs on the server itself. When you host a "static" site, that's all it's doing... just hosting the exported static HTML + CSS files ONLY, nothing else.

I'm not familiar with Jekyll but I just assumed "static" meant truly "static" -- but I probably should have looked up Jekyll to help clarify better. Taking a brief look at it now, it seems like you should still theoretically be able to host the static HTML output of Jekyll... just *not* the scripts that actually generate the output!

This is the same as if you were trying to host a static site created in Dreamweaver. Obviously, you couldn't run Dreamweaver on FM.... just host the exported site.

Jekyll itself appears to be a fairly complex (and pretty cool) program... but it is a program/series of scripts... and FM can't host the program/scripts itself... just the static output of it.

Jekyll's requirements:

That's for the Jekyll scripts... so you need a working environment that will handle all that. You could use a service like Linode to set up an environment to run the Jekyll scripts. Or you could install Ubuntu on your computer as your working development platform, then install the Jekyll scripts... or it looks like you could even install Jekyll on Windows with some work. In any case, you need the development environment, which is separate from the hosting environment.

You then build the site with Jekyll (which seems pretty impressive in terms of capabilities that Jekyll offers)...

Then you *deploy* the site:

So you should *theoretically* be able to use FM as a deployment target, which will then host and serve the final HTML files to the public.

That's from my quick pass reading of the Jekyll site. I could be missing something obvious which may make FM impossible to use. Apologies if I missed some other step in the process.

In any case, as for hosting static sites on FM, I do it all the time -- and use a variety of tools (such as Dreamweaver) -- and the output -- that is, HTML, CSS -- can be hosted just fine.

Hope that helps a little. Please let us know if you find out anything else!
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