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Old 13 Mar 2024, 05:55 PM   #9
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Holon, Israel.
Posts: 4,857
One can join a monastery. Nowadays it's not much different from staying off the internet or having no phone. One becomes an e-nun or e-monk or e-hermit (but then eHermit already means the opposite).

If someone chooses to stay away from all humans, they have to go somewhere like Antarctica or the Sahara dessert or some other place where there are very few people and still some space left to be far away from anyone. And then they immediately appear on the maps of those that spend the billions on those "eyes in the sky", who then are sure that if someone is in such place they must be hiding from them, and anyway they'd like to know a bit about them for their files.
The same with staying off the internet, or staying away from where almost everyone else hangs out: if you do it, you're an outlier, and they check you out. You belong to a small special group, and that makes you more interesting for anyone trying to make a profit.

The only way to hide in a crowded world is to mix in the crowd. That means joining whatever platforms are popular, and doing what most people do, that is using them almost but not totally passively.
I don't stay off anything Meta and using my own domain because I want to hide from surveillance. I know that doing this actually makes me stand out for the data collectors. I do it because I don't want my online identity to include someone else's trademark (Gmail, Outlook etc.), and I don't like entities that fool people to believe their closed networks are general purpose public communication networks (Meta, Apple), and when possible I prefer to support small businesses (humans) rather than big corporations (non-human entities). But of course the big corporations can still follow me, and profit by selling my info to small businesses... and they can force me into their networks by convincing enough small businesses that there is no extra profit in serving people outside these networks, or that this extra profit is not worth the effort.

So the most sensible thing for most people is to just relax, leave their false illusions behind, look around and stroll around the ground until they feel at home, and let the makers of rules read their minds and cheat them blind.
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