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Old 21 Jun 2014, 08:32 PM   #37
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Manchester UK
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MXroute Service Announcement

In my Inbox today, FYI:

First, thank you for being a part of MXroute! I have an announcement to make about the future of MXroute. Since it's launch, MXroute has been a product of Catalyst Host. This will now be changing. There is no change in administration, however MXroute is going to become it's own entity and will no longer be a part of Catalyst Host. This change has little actual meaning for you, however those of you who have worked with us for some time know that we put honesty and transparency near the top of our priorities. Below is a list of what will actually be changing.

- Billing system. You will receive a new e-mail containing the new login instructions.
- Support. This will move to the new billing system.
- Policies. These are identical, they simply have the name MXroute instead of Catalyst Host. These are already on for your review. There has been no change to the terms, only the name of the party who enforces them.

Just in case my words lacked any clarity, I will restate one thing. I, Jarland Donnell, started MXroute and used Catalyst Host as a foundation for it's billing and policies. I, Jarland Donnell, will be taking MXroute away from Catalyst Host and continuing to run the service just as I have been.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail [address removed by FredOnline] and I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have.

Thank you,
Jarland Donnell
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