Thread: Email for Life?
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Old 1 Sep 2020, 05:17 AM   #13
The "e" in e-mail
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Cancer can also come without warning: my wife's friend was hospitalized, they found a huge malignant tumor in her brain. She was not able to communicate with anyone from the time she was brought to the hospital. 2 or 3 days later she lost consciousness and about 2 weeks later she died in intensive care. Of course it's not contagious, and a contagious disease like Covid-19 has the potential to become a bigger cause of death.
But my point was that preservation of digital assets after death is a problem that is independent of Covid-19, and was a problem before Covid-19 (and will be a problem after Covid-19).

There is a little written about this in several Wikipedia articles. on this matters, and what I can learn from them is that there's a lot to be done in this area.

I thought that i need to store somewhere means of access to my important digital assets, such as my domain registrar account, my FastMail account (that is admin of the family account) and some other accounts, that would be made available somehow to my heirs when the time comes, but storing access credentials to my most important accounts scares me. My Fastmail password is only stored in my memory. Also, if one puts such info in a document somewhere, that document needs maintenance, because passwords change. having separate methods for the purpose of transferring control of accounts to heirs after death would be better than just making lists of account credentials available to heirs.
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