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Old 26 Oct 2012, 11:34 AM   #8
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Posts: 485
I was surprised to get such lengthy replies, so I had to wait until I had time to sit down with enough free time to give this attention.

David, yes, of cousre I meant to say "100% American." Sorry. Thanks for catching that. Do you not have any free television in Canada?

Tsunami, one thing I found particularly interesting in your case was the casual mention that you can receive Al Jazeera. I suppose somewhere in the U.S. that's possible, but it's certainly not offered in any standard cable television selection that I have ever seen. I was also interested that of the American shows, you mostly mention comedies. I wonder if other countries prefer our comedies to our dramas.

Fred, long ago, England had only two or three television stations - I assume that's changed by now? In the U.S., the Brrtish shows are regarded as better, or classier, or more intelligent. How do Brits regard American programs?

Drew, you really pay just to own a television set? Is it like a yearly tax, apart from the cost of buying the t.v.?

I notice that you all mention importing American television, but no one mentions importing Spanish or Italian or Russian programs.

I was recently thinking that an enormous amount of American television is now either crime-related, or realty shows that ar either focused on money grubbing or humliation. I dn't normally have paid cable television at home, but when I've been away, I keep flipping around the channels but find almost nothing I want to watch.
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