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Old 5 Dec 2018, 07:41 PM   #6
Essential Contributor
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 478
By coincidence I just happened to stumble into this same problem last night where the presence of the contact in the contact list didn't override the spam check.

X-Spam-known-sender: no ("Email failed DMARC policy for domain")
X-Spam: spam
X-Spam-score: 8.9
So is it that DMARC problem that's causing X-Spam-known-sender is set to "no" even though it's in my contacts list? Bummer in my case since I can't get the sender to change this since it's a state government organization (a .gov domain).

I wonder if this is somehow related to the fact that they are sending to my forwarding service? But if so why just this one email? Don't have a problem with any others.

I "fixed" this problem by adding some sieve code to intercept the message before it gets to the X-Spam-known-sender spam test. I already had such code in place to whitelist some email addresses where a simple *@abc.tld wildcard match is not sufficient and Contacts doesn't support anything more complex. Specifically *@*XYZ.tld and *@*.tld kinds of address matches. So here I want all .gov's to get through just in case so I added a check for *@*.gov, file it into my Inbox, and stop.

Now I'm worried things like this could happen with other contacts in the future so I have to decide either never discard any spam or raise the discard cutoff to a higher number, say 10 or 12 to have a higher probability of catching these things (currently I don't have any discard threshold specified) at least in the spam folder.

Note, I have had FM for only about 6 months and this is the first real potential problem or concern I've encountered. Is there any specific reason the server (or whoever inserts X-Spam-known-sender into the headers) not make the users contacts have precedence over everything else? In other words if it in the contacts list set X-Spam-known-sender to "yes" no matter what.

Last edited by xyzzy : 5 Dec 2018 at 07:53 PM.
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