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Old 2 May 2005, 09:00 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 41
Fourteenth Fatuous Fatwah

The Good Doctor Strabismus: "Quite astonishing that the two most fatuous comments ... I've ever heard should appear in the same thread ..." Well gosh doc, you're clearly dealing with idiots, what else can be expected?

The BlueTooth Sniper Rifle was designed by Flexilis, Inc. to demonstrate at Defcon 12 the vulnerability of BlueTooth technology. Even today, BlueTooth SIG still state at their website:

"... in order to carry out a bluejacking, the sending and receiving devices must be within 10 meters of one another."

Not so. The Flexilis demonstration involved accessing BlueTooth data at more than one mile. For more info about Flexilis's intentions, here's an interview:

So doc, I trust that this answers your question: "Can you please explain to me what exactly "That guy cradling the $400. BlueTooth Sniper Rifle"' has achieved. On the face of it he's just a petty voyeur - twenty years ago he would have been fixing mirrors onto a stick to look into someone bedroom."

Defcon 12 was held last summer in Las Vegas, many law enforcement agents attended.

"The agents said that they do recruit at Defcon and other security conventions. Recruitment has been way up since 9/11. Interested hackers have often come up to the agents asking how they can use their skills to help protect their country."

My point about all of this is that the information is available and has been for some time on the internet. Individuals wanting to build on this technology are not visiting newstands to do research. Even a new publication such as Make, mentioned at the top of this thread, will either be out of date by the time it hits the street or there will be legal questions that obviate publication of details.

Arguably, the reason BlackBerry has achieved such market share, is its wireless email function with push. If it is vulnerable, someone will exploit that. This demonstration had nothing to do with voyeurism, but rather with security.
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