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Old 19 Aug 2022, 07:22 AM   #76
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I dont have a phone which is why I use email to do it.......
Wow! You must be the last person in the world without one. However, I'm pretty sure there is no problem sending emails to texts via Gmail and other free services, though I just tried it to my own phone and it came through, but very slowly. Took a few minutes to arrive, but I find that the case with many texts where I live and work. I'm on T Mobile. My reply from the phone arrived in Gmail within seconds though.
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Old 19 Aug 2022, 08:26 AM   #77
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Well hopefully it isnt my text that caused this but seeing they sort of complained to Jeff about it,it may be.....

Im trying to email Mr. Jarland and see if I can get our email accts back.....
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Old 19 Aug 2022, 08:46 AM   #78
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Good luck!
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Old 19 Aug 2022, 08:48 AM   #79
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I'm surprised to see any discussion around this given that there were no responses to tickets and abuse complaints, and that 24 hours had been given for a response. A personal email sent to me alerted me to the possibility that there had been some discussion here.

First of all, Bamb0, you need to calm down. Your "Hey buddy" email was identified as possibly suspect given that another user on the same domain had just went on a spam spree with "Hi buddy" being a common subject, on the same day. That user who sent that spam campaign marked the second open abuse ticket with the customer which sat ignored, with no response. The prior abuse complaint had been sitting unaddressed since June 26th. Prior to that, there was an email account compromise on 3/18, and another on 6/20. That's five tickets for abuse on this account which had paid a total of $35 over the course of 4 invoices, an account which was now ignoring abuse complaints.

If you want to be mad at someone, focus it on the customer who gave me no incentive to keep them and only reasons to drop them. Really not interested in dragging the customer through the mud, there is no reason this needs to be a conversation at all. I have a job to do, I do it. The customer was given a backup of all of their email. I have no problem with jeffpan here, and wish him all the best. I believe that I did the correct thing with the variables in front of me.

I've got over 15,000 active customers now, not including the counts of their customers, I don't have time to apply feelings to much of this anymore. It's a business and my customers rely on me to take care of it.

Last edited by jarland : 19 Aug 2022 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 19 Aug 2022, 09:24 AM   #80
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Hmm Maybe Jeff didnt get your tickets Mr. Jarland,he wouldnt just sit there and ignore them if he saw them!!

Im sorry I got mad...........
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Old 20 Aug 2022, 10:00 AM   #81
The "e" in e-mail
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I am sorry that MXroute has deleted all the two domains: tls-mail and
so there is no possibility to restore all your email data.
@bambo it's due to the email you sent which was classified by them as a spam by wrong.
And I didn't get the ticket notice in my admin email (it's an ATT account).
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Old 20 Aug 2022, 11:27 AM   #82
The "e" in e-mail
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I want to add that even I had got the ticket email I can't know how to handle it correctly b/c @bambo sent a regular email for which I have no privilege to disable his account.
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Old 21 Aug 2022, 01:03 AM   #83
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Thumbs down

All I did is send a text to a mobile phone!!

No.... Mr Jarland said someone went on a spam spree,he didnt say it was due to me...... Im not very happy here... I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG JEFF!!!!
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Old 21 Aug 2022, 03:09 AM   #84
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I took a second look at all of the data here, in reaction to "I didn't get the ticket notice in my admin email" and I had some things to add and some modifications to what I'd previously said.

It was in fact your email account Bamb0 that I accused of being compromised and sending spam. If I was mistaken it would be interesting, as it very much matches a recent trend that currently has me on high alert. That trend has to do with users reusing passwords that are not secure, are easily guessed, or are stolen from other places that they've used them which were compromised. Then their accounts are of course used to send spam. It would be an unusual false positive if your email was not compromised, however, your emails to me over the last few days are making me second guess it. Your writing style is fairly unique, and considering the email subjects and recipients (the only data logged/reviewed for this), I can see how it's possible that I made a mistake. I can also see how I wouldn't have second guessed it for a second, prior to our personal email conversations, as I have zero other cases which look so similar to the trend in question that have not all been exactly as I thought they were: Compromised accounts sending spam.

The latter, the one "Hey buddy" (or whatever, paraphrasing that subject not copy/pasting) email that made me think yet another had likely been compromised after yours, which I thought was what you were referring to, was in fact someone else. Which is odd, because that was the email to SMS one and I don't see an email to SMS one that matches for you? Did you have two email accounts on the domain? We'll figure it out, you don't have to answer that. I have to ride some lines here to even talk this much about it, but keeping it all very conceptual and not excessively detailed keeps me from violating anyone's privacy, which is one of the most important factors to me.

That said, had I made a mistake, we could clear up fine via ticket but I already knew from the ticket that had been sitting open for so long that this user wasn't going to be engaging me and in my mind I'd spent enough time dealing with an account that at this point was negative revenue (after including time/effort not reciprocated) and from my perspective the customer just didn't seem interested in keeping it. So I considered an ignored abuse complaint over a month old to be fairly long notice, as it's pretty standard in the companies I consider peers to remove customers that aren't responding to abuse complaints.

As for the account owner not receiving mails to their AT&T-backed email, that I can't do much about but I can say this:

250 2.0.0 27CMiuYU076811 Message accepted for delivery

250 2.0.0 27CLwcGq030783 Message accepted for delivery

250 2.0.0 27CLsZFs103444 Message accepted for delivery

250 2.0.0 27E2LCci055066 Message accepted for delivery

250 2.0.0 26OI5RCv116159 Message accepted for delivery

To be clear, those are not response codes from my systems. those are acceptance responses from a remote email system to which I sent emails for the account in question.

Bamb0 I will do my best to figure out a way that I can feel comfortable providing you with your emails, in a way that satisfies my need to protect the integrity of your data and ensure that at no point am I doing anything which provides an unauthorized third party with access to anything more than my little story above. We'll figure something out, but it'll probably be Monday before I dive any more into that.
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Old 21 Aug 2022, 03:19 AM   #85
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Thank you buddy....

Yes I had 2 different emals and I sent the MMS from my levels account,NOT BAMBO

I can see why you might wanna delete an account thats sending spam but why delete all accounts on Jeffs network? (I mean why delete bambo?? I didnt send the MMS from that one)

Its ok buddy,we all make mistakes...... Maybe you were tired at the time or upset about something.....

And please believe me. Jeff didnt intend to ignore your tickets,he is very kind and friendly

What was the spam message that was sent out buddy??? (Was it an email or a text?)
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Old 21 Aug 2022, 03:33 AM   #86
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The reason you don't delete individual email accounts is because you don't step on a customer's toes like that. When someone owns an account, everything under it is their responsibility. That requires being able and willing to collaborate on matters of abuse. If they are not, simply taking control of their account and micro managing it for them is not appropriate. That isn't me being in a particularly bad mood or something, that is what I consider to be a fundamental business practice.
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Old 21 Aug 2022, 03:54 AM   #87
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I guess I understand buddy........... But I think you got confused when I sent my MMS with subject "Hey buddy" to my friend because of this other thing happening.. (I got in the way by mistake)

Im sorry Mr. Jarland and Jeff!!
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Old 22 Aug 2022, 08:28 AM   #88
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Sorry to see email go, i've been using since May 2021
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Old 22 Aug 2022, 11:09 AM   #89
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Yes its sad a spammer kinda mocked things up.....
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Old 23 Aug 2022, 05:01 AM   #90
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Allowing a customer of a customer to access their email after my customer, their provider, was terminated is very risky business. Because of that, I'm doing this publicly.

Bamb0, I was able to retrieve a backup of the hashed password for your email account, allowing me to restore an account with it's password while having no knowledge of what it was. You may retrieve your emails by logging in as, with the password you had previously, at this address:
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