Thread: .xyz domain
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Old 29 Aug 2015, 07:05 AM   #11
The "e" in e-mail
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Yes, but .abc would have been easier to remember. Anyways, the only domain of the new extentions I may consider at some point is .art ; I already have the .com version of the domain of my arts project, but to avoid confusion I may get the .art version too if not too expensive.

City domains such as .brussels, .gent, .amsterdam, .berlin, .nyc, etc may be useful to some extent but my immediate response is: why not use the country's ccTLD? That'd avoid confusion. Otherwise I see situations appear where people need to remember but out of habit browse to because they're used to the country domain already for so many years ...

But fair enough, I can somewhat see the point of those new domains, as I see some idea behind .mail , .sports , .church , .futbol , .shop ...
That however doesn't stop the fact that it will take a while before people get used to these new extentions, when they've been used to their ccTLD and the .com, .net etc for so many years.

And I am still wondering why we really need extentions such as .ninja, .pizza and similar oddities. If you run a pizza delivery shop, and you can already choose between .com, .net, .org, the ccTLD of your country (+ in some cases the city domain, for example .nyc or .amsterdam) ; do we really need a .pizza domain? If we need to create domains for every religion, every type of food, every city with >200000 citizens, every type of sport, ... then seeing the forest from the trees will become virtually impossible.
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