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Old 19 Mar 2002, 04:33 AM   #31
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Lightbulb My 2 cents

Fastmail is the only service that you need to consider.

I am one of those people that has changed my email address way too many times. I am always looking for the feature set that did not exist - at least I did not think it existed before I found Fastmail.

I work on many computers, both at home and at work, so a web based email package made sense. Unfortunately, there are times that you need/want the power of a desktop email package and POP is not a good solutions if you use multiple computers.

For a while I tried the old backup and then restore the mail files of various email packages, but that is tedious and error prone.

IMAP is the only way to go. Then you have all of the strengths of web based email (primarily availability) with the ability to use a full-fledged email program when you need additional power.

I have also found the community here to be very helpful and the company behind Fastmail seems dedicated to making this service the best.


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Old 19 Mar 2002, 12:16 PM   #32
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Fastmail is Awesome

Fastmail is the best!

I searched and searched for a email service that really suited me. The service is great at a great price. As I searched I saw many companies offering small storage space at high prices. They were asking for even more money for more storage space. Being a college student, I simply cannot afford these other services. But then I found FASTMAIL. What a great service!

Thanks to Jeremy and all the Fastmail guys. You truly have an awesome service. I'm telling all my friends about you!
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Old 20 Mar 2002, 09:14 AM   #33
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Thumbs up Great Support

I'm not "paid" customer BUT support and help by Jeremy was beyond "call of duty."

I understand if Fastmail support regular paid users but case like me where I was making mistakes ( closing account ) and changing
mind ( from back to ), Jeremy helped me
correct problems without one single "comment" about my action.

I truely feel that FASTMAIL is for the people operated by REAL
PEOPLE behind it, unlike other emails where only suppor you get

Once again thank you for personal help Jeremy !

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Old 21 Mar 2002, 09:00 AM   #34
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FastMail Testimonials

Well, after visto shut up shop I was a guest member for a while, & I've since upgraded to an enhanced account & moved the compnay's domain over as well, & it's well worth the money, even after the currency conversion into Aussie dollars (pesos ?). In fact, the only thing we're using our ISP for now is to actually hook up to the net. Jeremy was most helpful in sorting out some issues we had with setting up & delegating our domain-name - we got answers & action happened over email within half an hour. Try doing that with your ISP without having to wait on hold for an eterenity.

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Old 21 Mar 2002, 02:06 PM   #35
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Kill Spammers

I could say a ton of things about the convenience of having an IMAP interface over POP3 (I can read mail using Outlook at home and using the web when I'm on the road and the two stay in sync in terms of deletions, marking messages as read or unread, etc), the speed with which pages load (fast!), the more professional image my email gets by having my own real "From:" address and no tag lines, etc.

But instead I want to talk about how little SPAM I receive since switching to Fastmail! My Inbox used to beep constantly during the day as I received lots of SPAM. In fact, for a while after switching to Fastmail I wondered if everything was working right because I got so much less email. It was actually because very little SPAM was getting through. It's not just from switching email addresses - all my old email gets forwarded to my Fastmail account - but Fastmail evidently goes a good job of filtering out mail from known spammers!

When I do still get SPAM, I can use the "Bounce" command to return the mail to the spammers and make them think my email address is no longer valid! That's something no other service that I've ever seen does! And if they keep spamming (or if they're so disreputable that they've forged all their headers in which case the bounce message probably wouldn't get through to them), Fastmail makes it easy to set up filters to ignore that particular spammer forever.

Very nice work, guys!

-- Conrad

Last edited by poelmanc : 21 Mar 2002 at 02:12 PM.
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Old 23 Mar 2002, 10:41 PM   #36
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Recently Yahoo decided to charge for pop access. I spent days to find a good free email provider.

There are alot of them out there, but some of them just not that stable at all.

Out of all the free email provider. Fastmail is the best. I tried so free email, but none of them can compete with Fastmail.
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Old 24 Mar 2002, 12:07 PM   #37
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Re: FastMail Testimonials

OK, here's mine copied from another thread I just posted to (maybe after I've been around a bit longer I'll post another):

OK, my testimonial. I haven't been around too long, but I'm already happy.

Recently losing Alta Vista was a major thing to me. I started signing up for different accounts and sending myself stuff to see what they were like. Someone at work also pointed me to and I was totally overwhelmed by the number of free services out there, but the forums contained so many messages with good stuff to say about Fastmail that I immediately signed up. (BTW, I would've only gotten there through the forums because emailaddresses only listed and I couldn't get into that.)

One very small feature is what made me decide almost immediately this is where I wanted to stay: the ability to return from a message right back to the same page in the same folder (without just using the back button), a feature that seemed to be missing from most emails -- they all wanted to return me to page 1, or made me go to the folders list to get anywhere else. I like having that dropdown list of folders right there on all message list screens. (And I like the new interface with the folders listed to the left, showing all the time, with number of messages. That about makes it perfect.) I also really love the dropdown box next to the from field that apparently will allow me to change personalities -- I'm at guest level and don't know what this does yet, but it looks promising for when I level up. I've only seen that before in Alta Vista. (As opposed to changing identities like in OE.)

And one great advantage over Alta Vista is that if I have a question or problem I don't have to wait three days to get some auto response telling me to try something I've already stated I tried and didn't work... IOW, this forum.

I haven't had a lot of time to go through the FAQs or play with stuff -- I have only one week left to make sure everyone gets my change of address and clean out my old email. But I'm finding new stuff all the time and expect I'll just get happier as I go along.
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Old 26 Mar 2002, 04:36 AM   #38
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Oh...sorry...that's a bummer! E-mail this problem to webmasterATfastmailDOTfm. Good luck!
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Old 3 Apr 2002, 07:14 AM   #39
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Informative service

Although I can't make informative comment about the intuitiveness of the interface or the speed of the service yet, but there is something to notice about fastmail. There was a service problem this morning (email delayed by 4 hours), the staff noticed that, fixed the problems, and posted a notice in the news section before I thought of checking the news section.

Talk about efficient, fast, informative problem solving by fastmail staffs!

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Old 3 Apr 2002, 07:40 AM   #40
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After being spammed unmercifully at my hotmail address, I tried Yahoo. Some spam, nothing to get upset about; but then they decided to charge for pop access. I went searching, and tried a couple of other email providers, but fastmail is the bomb! No spam, no ads, it's smokin' fast, has a great interface, is easy to use (or learn to use). I'm keeping this address!
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Old 3 Apr 2002, 02:07 PM   #41
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Thumbs up Wins!

I need to deal with e mail on the web, but I prefer to use an e mail client at home. I use multiple e mail accounts for different purposes.
When Yahoo announced their new fee structure I decided to start looking around. I wasn't happy with what I was seeing out there these days. The pickings were slim.
After checking out a few and rejecting them all because they didn't quite work I stumbled on It was free, it was on the web, and it was on that strange thing called IMAP.
I asked questions and got really quick responses from Jeremy. I was impressed.
Suddenly, AMEX announces the demise of Free is no more, but I wasn't about to pay for or Yahoo when did a lot more for a lot less.
I grouped my accounts here and I'm considering bringing the domain here when I get the chance to absorb what I need to do. Jeremy also offered to help! Gee, that's just like the service I got on Yahoo and my ISP (whose mail service I avoid like the plague!)
This is a great service and worth every cent.

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Old 3 Apr 2002, 04:26 PM   #42
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Heh... I'm trying to convinence all of my friends to use
Especially with their no AD, no SPAM(Usually I don't really care about this), and IMAP, POP3 service. Also, their secure SSL option.

Too good to be true.
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Old 4 Apr 2002, 04:06 AM   #43
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Talking Yet another fan

I always said that I'd never pay for email. Why bother? I just use it for school, friends and family.

Then the quality of free email went downhill...quickly. And if you complain...well, you're getting it for free! What do you expect?

So when I finally decided that I needed a quality email account for the lowest price possible, I came straight to FastMail. I had a free account, and loved was almost never down, and when it was (once that I can recall), we were sent emails acknowledging and apologizing for it! What a shock...

I upgraded to a $9.99/yr yahoo account and a Member account at fastmail. Then I read that soon they'll be implementing file storage, bookmarks and calendars (which is the only reason I upgraded my yahoo account in the first place), so just upgraded to Enhanced membership! This is a great account...especially love the "bounce" button.

Just another 'thanks' from a satisfied customer,

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Old 5 Apr 2002, 05:28 AM   #44
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Another satisfied user

I guess I'll post my 2 cents worth about Fastmail. I've been using it for a few months now and couldn't be happier. I upgraded mine and my husband's account to Member status and also have another Member account for use when signing up on the web for various things ("junk" account.) Since Yahoo and Amexmail have pulled their shenanigans, I am upgrading my account to Full level and paying in advance for two year's service! I have been reluctant to pay for any type of web service in advance after getting burned by an ISP after paying for a year's service, but my gut instinct is that Jeremy and Rob will go the extra mile to keep Fastmail going now and in the future. I am truly impressed with their service and want to support them as much as I can.
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Old 5 Apr 2002, 11:03 AM   #45
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Representative of:
Thumbs up

Fastmail is just amazing. About 6 months ago, I started looking for an email replacement to defunct Visto. I looked for months and months, and couldn't find anything worth subscribing to. Even for free. On Hotmail, I was receiving 99% spam. Yahoo itself looks like a spam page ; most have a tiny storage...
I had a long list of features I required from an email provider, but none of them reached 20% of my requirements .

Then, I found Fastmail.
Almost all my requirements were filled, and the only ones missing where on their way (I want DAV!!!).
I immediately subscribed as a guest account, to give it a try. The 'try' didn't last long... I became addicted! Needless to say, I soon upgraded to an enhanced account.
The automatic spam filters get rid of virtually all spam, and Fastmail has the richest rule engine I know of for a web mail: you can write your own scripts!

Over the 2 or so months I’ve been using it, I can say I have been impressed by the performance and possibilities: opening Fastmail and checking a couple emails is for me faster than opening Outlook… And the Fastmail team keeps on giving us new features all the time … I particularly love the rules and the new anti-spam and anti-virus features!

All in all, with Fastmail, you get your mail, all your mail, and nothing but your mail!
This is the first web service I have paid for in about 8 years of internet use, but I’m glad I did!

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