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Old 26 Apr 2002, 06:39 AM   #61
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Representative of:
You don't need to use the web site with IMAP: only configure your account details in Outlook Express, Outlook or any other client application that supports IMAP, and you don't need to use the web at all...

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Old 26 Apr 2002, 07:31 AM   #62
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Talking Thank you, spiderman!

Thanks for the info!

I've never had any cause to use/learn about IMAP, so I wasn't clear on it. I thought it was the same as (part of?) the website email methods. Guess it's back to school for me,...! I should be able to figure out the IMAP setup without too much problem. I just wasn't clear that it was a remote download protocol for email retrieval via Outlook Express, etc.
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Old 26 Apr 2002, 08:31 AM   #63
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You should find all the info you need there:

They tell you how to configure about a dozen different clients!

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Old 29 Apr 2002, 04:59 PM   #64
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Just wanted to publicly thank Jeremy once again for his incredible service -- I had a small problem with my account, posted it on the forum, and Jeremy had the problem solved in less than 20 minutes! Three cheers!
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Old 1 May 2002, 03:10 PM   #65
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Thumbs up FastMail is the best service to date...

Hi all,

I would like to give my "thumbs up" to the fastmail mail service. I registered on this site after reading another testimonial in the Lockergnome newsletter and I have not regretted it since.

Apart from having a fast and blazing mail service, the additional features feature offered by the folks at fastmail have convinced me that this is the best mail service that I have ever used in the last three years.

Keep it up, Fastmail folks

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Old 3 May 2002, 03:36 AM   #66
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I tried FastMail as a Guest for a week or two, then I upgraded to a Full membership. I love IMAP, the web client is really fast, and FastMail is one of few email providers to offer HTTPS (SSL) access to a web client. I'm completely satisfied.
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Old 4 May 2002, 07:37 PM   #67
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well , here is what I said in my first post:

WOW, This email service is so great and well thought out , one is compelled to upgrade his membership just so not to feel ashamed , such great work should me rewarded , I'll upgrade soon and it'll be the first time I pay money without feeling robbed. Keep up the good job folks .

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Old 5 May 2002, 12:31 PM   #68
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New Convert!

Whoops, first made this a new thread and then realized that there was a dedicated sticky. Oh well.

Hehe, go Fastmail! I finally realized how important that "fast" part of fastmail is to me when I went and tried to log on to myrealbox on my old 56k softmodem that doesn't work too well (read: 28.8 kbps connects). Well, it takes forever to load. I also found that their images aren't cached locally for some reason, so every time I go to a different page it reloads the images. So, the mostly text/form based interface of Fastmail came through very nicely, so as soon as I can scrounge up enough money for the $15 registration fee, I'll be enrolling as a standard member Until then, I'm going to make the slow transition away from myrealbox (and hopefully this will be the *last* mail transition).

Keep up the good work guys.

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Old 5 May 2002, 09:53 PM   #69
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Go Fastmail go!

Yes sirree! Go Fastmail go!
Have tried & liked the free service account & have now opened a full account for a parish of mine. It's not much but every little effort will help to give MSN & Yahoo a run for their money (Lord knows how they could afford to be a bit more generous!)
Thumbs up Fastmail!
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Old 5 May 2002, 10:16 PM   #70
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Thumbs up

Thumbs up for this service
Have been converted to IMAP by looking through a lot of the posts and listening to what people have said. I can now say that I find it much better and will stick with it....

Cheers R & J Keep at it!
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Old 7 May 2002, 01:19 PM   #71
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OK, I've had enough of this blathering, and touchy feely sweetness and goodness about FastMail!!

Here is exactly what is WRONG with FastMail:


Umm, guess that takes care of that.

FastMail is the last IMAP/POP mail provider I'm going to need to use. THANKS FastMail.


Last edited by symo : 9 May 2002 at 06:00 AM.
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Old 12 May 2002, 03:49 AM   #72
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Talking FM is cool

I converted when Yahoo cut pop access. I only wish I would have looked harder before I even signed up with Yahoo--fastmail has everything and I love the imap+web access. It rocks.

Very happy with FM and recommending all my friends that have $15 to sign up. Great for students graduating/leaving university.

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Old 21 May 2002, 10:35 PM   #73
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Thumbs up Thumbs Up FM

The Turning Point:

About 5 days ago now I think I just snapped I finally had enough of my Hotmail inbox fulling up with spam and my Yahoo messages no longer being forwarded through to OE. I was up late that night and started trolling the internet for my next (all encompassing) email site. Although there were hundreds to choose from, I honestly thought there would be more. I am afraid the night was to become even longer. came to notice a few times, as well as a few others and finally started to compare what each offerred in terms of the basic functions I was after. This included forwarding and POP access primarily, but price was also an issue. Before this experience I would have said that it is my right to have free email and why would I pay when I get it for free. I had contemplated paying, but recurring fees were a turn off when paying the equivalent Australian dollars (it effectively doubles the US$ price).

I would like to note that at this point I remember reading some of these postings on this forum prior to joining and thought this sounds like the "Mutual Admiration Society". "Jeremy and Rob you are fantastic........" etc etc. I did wonder what was going on, are these guys rock stars?

The Decision:

It was a Saturday morning now at 4am now and it was time to commit. I wasn't going to bed until I had achieved something. I think I chose FM based on the forwarding function (Yahoo was still a sore point); all the other host of functions that I perused on the FM pricing table and the $14.95 once off cost was acceptable. At the last minute though I thought why not get the $19.95 a year deal and if i want to change next year I can always drop. By doing this as well I got myself a very nice 6 letter login name. I was set the money was paid and I started to explore my new 'toy".

Big Kids.......:

I've got to say I am one of these people that when I buy a computer game I just start playing and don't bother with the instructions. Learn on the fly. It is pretty haphazard, but you can usually get yourself out of trouble eventually. I was the same on FM. I saw the rename thing and thought, yeah I'll try that. Mistake one for me. Think before you act and read the print. I chose a name that I had reservations about straight away then found out about the one change only deal. Danger Will Robinson Danger!! I thought this was going to end in disaster until I saw that FM actually had a support email address.

The Support:

I formulated a very polite email playing up the "paid my money" aspect, in the grim hope of a reply. I was about to hit the sack thinking I would get a reply in a few days at best, when I get the reply saying "no problem the rename setting is reset". I was dumbstruck this is not normal. On top of this and prior I was trying to find a more suitable name when I inadvertantly registered the name I was after under a seperate account which i did not pursue. I thought that FM must have me on the "not financially viable" list by now but thought I harass them anyway to get this other name I was after. I hit the hay that time thinking it was not physically possible for me to continue at that point. Next day though I found my newly named account waiting for me. Wallaaa Problem solved once again. I did have only one other hassle, that being with my SMPT settings on OE but resolved that after properly reading the FM FAQ section. Read those FAQ's properly.

My Testimonial:

As you can gather I am now a committed customer. FM has everything you want and more. Including a few things you sometimes forget about - like Reliability and Support. As for the cost I would gladly pay my money again, even more for the service and product that I have received in 5 days. As for competitors I can speak from experience that there aren't many peers for FM out there. If you read this and you are thinking about going with FM just do it, you won't regret it. By the way Jeremy and Rob you are rock stars.

My only questions now are:

1. Where can we buy shares (stock)?
2. What city is FM based in?
3. How do your Wives/GF's put up with the long hours?
4. When are we going to see FM Cola?

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Old 24 May 2002, 06:03 AM   #74
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I know it's superfast, fuctionality centered rather than graphics centered and so on and so forth, but what feels like a big, fat GRAPEFRUIT up my ******* is when I get lots of emails from my friends saying they were blocked out of fastmail because their emails were misinterpreted as spam by fastmail.

What's the point of an awesome email service when I CAN'T RECIEVE ANY EMAILS?
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Old 24 May 2002, 07:58 AM   #75
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Originally posted by vivekbhat
I know it's superfast, fuctionality centered rather than graphics centered and so on and so forth, but what feels like a big, fat GRAPEFRUIT up my ******* is when I get lots of emails from my friends saying they were blocked out of fastmail because their emails were misinterpreted as spam by fastmail.

What's the point of an awesome email service when I CAN'T RECIEVE ANY EMAILS?
No point at all. But it seems to me that the right answer is to figure out what went wrong, rather than simply rant about it. Can you give us any details about your friends' emails that were deflected? Do you have rules in place that might be doing the misinterpreting? What level user are you (Guest, Member, Full, or Enhanced)?

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