Welcome to the FastMail.FM Help forum, courtesy of EmailDiscussions.com.
This is intended to be a forum where FastMail.FM users can help each other to solve any problems they are having using the service. You can also use this forum if you are considering joining FastMail.FM, but need more information.
This forum is not run by FastMail.FM, but by EmailDiscussions.com. Because it is an
independent forum, you can be assured that it will be run in an unbiased, fair way. FastMail.FM staff members regularly get involved in these discussions; in particular you may see:
- Jeremy Howard: co-founder, but no longer with Fastmail
- Robm (Robert Mueller): developer and technology guru
- Rjlov (Richard Lovejoy): programmer specialising in web interface and billing development
- Brong (Bron Gondwana): programmer specialising in email/IMAP/files/DAV/FTP/Jabber/System admin
- Kurianja (Kurian Jose Aerthail): support/programmer
- Yassarali (Yassar Ali): support
- Neilj (Neil Jenkins): programmer specialising in html/css/javascript
- johanborg (Johan Borg): product manager for mail at Opera
Before posting a request for help, please first check the searchable
FastMail.FM help pages, which is the official FastMail.FM documentation, and also check the
Wiki, which is where FastMail.FM users create their own help pages.
The following links answer some common questions:
For help with the FastCheck mail notification tool, please use the
FastCheck Forums.